Art of Sherrie Thai,

dark fantasy gothic surrealism artwork by Sherrie Thai of

Here are some of my art pieces that will be displayed at the Wonderland SF Gallery on Saturday, September 16 for the “Dreaming of Better Times” art show. Sooooooooo excited!!!

Vanitas Veins, Gothic Surrealism Art by Sherrie Thai of Shaireproductions

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vanitas veins, dark horror art by Sherrie Thai of

“Vanitas Veins” is a mixed media piece of a mysterious angelic creature, drawing breath from the bloody veins of life, perfect for the Halloween holiday. The illustration speaks to the mysteriousness of life. The blood veins reach outwards like wings, similar to how magic can call upon us in the quiet moments of the dawn 🙂

You can add this piece to your art collection HERE at my Etsy Shop.

Artwork: Electro Skull and Leaves

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Electro Skull and Leaves

St. Patrick’s Day was an inspiration for this “Electro Skull and Leaves” digital piece. I love combining the opposing themes of nature and technology.

Artwork: Skull Goddess

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Skull Goddess, Art by Sherrie Thai of Shaireproductions, Art by Sherrie Thai of Shaireproductions

Skull Goddess, Art by Sherrie Thai of Shaireproductions, Art by Sherrie Thai of Shaireproductions

Happy Halloween! “Skull Goddess” is an exploration into the lighter side of the macabre. It’s inspired by my recent trip to Southeast Asia, primarily Bayon of Angkor Wat, Cambodia, and the White Temple of Thailand, which depicts modern scenarios of good vs. evil. I created this via the usual pen/ink and graphite media, with a smidget of digital coloring. The pigments are kept to a minimum to highlight the details, but to also echo the stone carvings of the ancient temples.

This piece is available as an 8.5″ x 11″ art print HERE ON ETSY

Shaireproductions Art Banner, drawing by Sherrie Thai

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Shaireproductions Art Banner

Had lots of fun creating this mini collage banner showcasing some of my art for the Sinister Creature Con. It’s happening this weekend (October 17th & 18th) at the Scottish Rite Center in Sacramento. There will be amazing effects, filmmakers, and awesome horror creature creations–all devoted to the horror genre! Check it out HERE!

Artwork: Nebulus Skull

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Nebulus Skull Art

After rewatching Guillermo del Toro’s “Pan’s Labyrinth” and the St. Patrick’s Day parade, I was inspired to create “Nebulus Skull”. There are many different elements here–a skull designed with celtic and tribal patterns in an astrological environment, surrounded by a halo of leaves.

Of course, this is no ordinary skull. Its origin comes from the ancient stories of Gaia and H.P Lovecraft’s “Old Ones”, monstrous dieties dwelling in different realms of the universe. “Nebulus Skull” may look evil, but looks can be deceiving–it is in fact a benevolent creator of life.