Artwork: Hawaiian Tiki Surfer Shirt

Posted by Sherrie Thai of

Tiki Surfer Shirt

This shirt design is a slight remake of a piece I did over the summer. The inspiration of this were the grocery bag designs from Trader Joe’s (with their kitchy Tiki characters eating popsicles), Tiki culture, and Hawaiian surfers.

Artwork: Tons of Luv Shirt

Posted by Sherrie Thai of Shaire Productions

Tons of Luv: Kids Version

Luckily, I got my hands on a shirt that was purchased by my buddy, Diana. Through my t-shirt line, “Happy Insanity” at*, I’ve been able to see my designs morph with different t-shirt styles and colors. “Tons of Luv” is an example of this. Originally designed for a dark background shirt, she chose a kid’s ringer style shirt, giving it an extra flair. It’s pretty fun seeing what others’ preferences and how the designs adapt to different visual treatments.