Photo: Tattooed Woman

Tattooed Woman
Originally uploaded by shaire productions

This woman was so great to photograph–you get a glimpse of her passion for life–living without inhibitions. This was part of the Body Art Expo exhibition held at the Cow Palace.

Inspiration: ALS Ads

ALS ads

Communication Arts posted a review of the ALS Society of Canada ad campaign. The designs of the ads are poignant and conceptually powerful. This is a great example of how–as visual communicators–we could influence people’s perceptions. The white diagram is of a maze, suggesting there is “no signal” in ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis).

Photo: Orchid

Originally uploaded by shaire productions

Closeup of an Orchid from the Pacific Orchid Exposition at Fort Mason last weekend. Such complexity and beauty.

Artwork: Orchid Sketch

Orchid Sketch

This sketch was inspired by the Pacific Orchid Expo at Fort Mason. The pen/ink illustration was created in a couple of hours, during my commute.

San Francisco Pie Fight

SF Pie Fight

Laughing Squid posted a blog last week announcing Herbie Hatman’s ( invitation for the second (annual?) pie fight in downtown San Francisco at March 5, 5:39PM. Why? To celebrate the love of life in pure creamy decadence! BYOP and formal attire were encouraged. A pure cyberspace call-to-action.

I was very curious to check out the event, not knowing what to expect. A crowd of a hundred eagerly jostled together, mostly observing the mounting array of shaving cream and whipped cream pies. Only a handful were formally dressed (wedding dress, suits, etc). As the countdown began, the brave few became obvious as the onlookers (including myself) ran away. The next few moments became a scene of pure havoc as white splotches of cream few through the air with squeals of utter glee. Even as an observer, you became a participant, experiencing the energy and innocence of the moment. With a few dozen pies set up, the food fight only lasted a few minutes. The brick ground became so slippery that some folks skated across the ground. With the flying pies at a standstill, I stepped into the mess, snapping away. . . can’t wait for next year! Check out the photos on Flickr.