Shaireproductions Art Banner, drawing by Sherrie Thai

. Posted by Sherrie Thai by

Shaireproductions Art Banner

Had lots of fun creating this mini collage banner showcasing some of my art for the Sinister Creature Con. It’s happening this weekend (October 17th & 18th) at the Scottish Rite Center in Sacramento. There will be amazing effects, filmmakers, and awesome horror creature creations–all devoted to the horror genre! Check it out HERE!

Artwork: Red Chinese Lion Dance

Posted by Sherrie Thai of

Chinese Lion Dance

Chinese Lion Dance is in honor of the Chinese/Lunar New Year, so many happy thoughts going out!

Like many of my recent pieces, this was created initially by hand with pen/ink, then scanned and cleaned up in Photoshop. I created the elements, primarily the lion and ground, separately (see Chrysanthemum Floral Design post), then collaged them together and added slight color highlights. I wanted to keep the colors of the lion very subtle, so the viewer could concentrate on the details of the patterns, rather than be distracted by lots of color. Red is the Chinese color of luck and the symbol in the top right represents happiness.

I’ve been meaning to create an illustration of Chinese Lions and the Lunar New Year is a great opportunity. They’re always so fascinating, especially after performing with a troupe with some folks in Oakland (many moons ago). I never tire of the tradition nor the pageantry.