Artwork: Cordyseps Rat

. Posted by Sherrie Thai by .

Cordyceps Rat, art by Sherrie Thai of

“Cordyceps Rat” was created for the Winter Wasteland Art Show at Syzygy Coop, Feb. 6, 2020. While Cordyceps seems to target insects and invertebrae mainly, I wondered what it would be like if the deathly fungus infected animals, particularly rodents (as this is the Zodiac Year of the Rat). With the theme of Wasteland, my rat has become a mutant, with eyes of the cuttlefish and worm-like toes. Its appearance encompasses a bit of zombie and undead features, with exposed bones and flesh. The artwork was created in pen/pencil, first, then added abstract textures and digital coloring.

Artwork: Aliens Movie Tribute Sci Fi Horror Art Print and Pins, Etsy Shop Additions

. Posted by Sherrie Thai by .

Aliens Queen Movie Art Print

Aliens Movie Art Mini Prints

Aliens Movie Art Pins

I’ve always been a fan of James Cameron’s Aliens film series and an even bigger fan of H.R. Giger. I grew up watching the series with my bro and it always held a nostalgic quality for me, so I created this Aliens Movie Tribute Art series with a touch of Celtic quality to them. Why Celtic? I love the interlocking qualities of the shapes and forms, which echoes the creature forms a bit and I also wanted to elevate the evolution of the aliens as a beautiful creation.

These Aliens Tribute Artwork are available at my Etsy Shop: Aliens Queen, Xenomorph Evolution Series, and Aliens Pins.