Free Download: Stop Asian Hate Poster Art

. Posted by Sherrie Thai by .

free download stop asian hate poster art, art by Sherrie Thai of

Stop Asian/AAPI Hate Poster Art. Free Printable File Download is available:
Stop Asian Hate:

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can be taught to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”
-Nelson Mandela

Someone asked me why Asian Americans haven’t spoken up against the racism they’ve experienced until now. We have, but no one listened.

While Asians have experienced racism in America since the 1800s, issues that were brought up, were often dismissed–that their experiences didn’t matter and were “statistically insignificant”. In other cases, some accounts of racism go unchecked and unreported due to fear/retaliation, language barriers, or thinking that it wouldn’t matter as nothing could be done. Even when speaking up, the suppression olympics and the Model Minority stereotype creates the notion that the Asian voices don’t matter, because of the false perception of financial success or white-adjacency, when some immigrant Asians struggle with poverty and are marginalized with lack of resources and support. When stereotypes and hate-based jokes spread, internalized hate festers, escalating into micro-aggressions and violence. This anti-Asian hate didn’t form only within the last year with the coronavirus hate-speech (blaming Asians for the virus), but it has added fuel which unfortunately, normalized overt racism. The portrayal of Asians in media/Hollywood have perpetuated racist stereotypes of being considered the enemy, perpetual foreigners, culturally interior, exotic fetishes, submissive, punchlines and during the past year, as a political pawn. Historically, Asians in America and immigrants have always been blamed for various misfortunes (leading to the Chinese Exclusion Act, lynchings, Japanese internment camps, murders, etc), and it seems that history is repeating itself. It’s unfortunate that it took multiple deaths through video footages for mainstream media and politicians to pay attention. However, with social media giving power to people to mobilize, there is more conversation on racial justice, and thus, more accountability.

We have to do better–speak up for what is right and to work towards a better future. Change doesn’t happen overnight, but this is a start. Words and actions matter. We ALL deserve to be here.

Steps to combat the hate:
-Educate Yourself
-Become an Ally
-Mobilize (speak up, volunteer, donate)
If you see racism on the streets, don’t be a bystander. @ihollagram (with support from @hateisavirus and @advancingjustice_aajc) have created Bystander Intervention Training.
-Combat racism with solidarity (interracial dialogue and understanding)
-Spread the love and support each other: Check in on the AAPI community/friends, have conversations, support AAPI-owned businesses, ultimately, be a positive force.

#stopasianhate #stopaapihate #standwithasians #hateisavirus #stopracism #asianamerican @acttochange

LEGAL STUFF: This documents is for educational and non-profit purposes only. This image, in its original form, altered or derivative, is not to be sold in any form, including print or digital format.

Free Download: Combat Racism with Solidarity

. Posted by Sherrie Thai by .

combat racism with solidarity free download design, art by Sherrie Thai of
Combat Racism with Solidarity
Free Printable File Download is available:
Combat Racism with Solidarity:


LEGAL STUFF: These documents are strictly for educational and non-profit purposes only. These images, in its original form, altered or derivative, are not to be sold in any form, including print or digital format.

Free Download: Unity Hands Mandala

. Posted by Sherrie Thai by .
unity hands mandala white background, art by Sherrie Thai of

unity hands mandala dark background, art by Sherrie Thai of

Unity Hands Mandala was created to represent the journey and hopes of racial connectivity and solidarity. After the surfacing of the horrendous violence against Asian elders, a little positivity which arose are more awareness/ conversation of the Anti-Asian sentiment and a rise in community support.

Printable File Download is available on White Background:

LEGAL STUFF: This document is strictly for educational and non-profit purposes only. This document, in its original form, altered or derivative, are not to be sold in any form, including print or digital format. The copyrights are not transferable. Designed by Sherrie Thai of

Freebies: Urban Grunge Textures

. Posted by Sherrie Thai by .

urban grunge texture 1 free photo by Sherrie Thai of

urban grunge texture 2 free photo by Sherrie Thai of

I created a new board on Pinterest for FREEBIES, Free Backgrounds and Images where you can download and use the images and resources in your projects. It’s available to use freely and without restriction for commercial and non-commercial projects. To download, simply right-click on the image above or just drag it to your desktop.

Check out for more free resources 🙂

Freebies: Travel Translations, Key Phrases for Asia

. Posted by Sherrie Thai by .

Travel translations, key phrases for Asia, art by Sherrie Thai of

Travel translations, key phrases for Asia, page 1

Travel translations, key phrases for Asia, page 2

Travel translations, key phrases for Asia, page 3

Travel translations, key phrases for Asia, page 4

When I travel internationally and venture out on my own, I like to be prepared with research and some handy tools. With the use of Google Translator, I compiled these key phrases to use when WIFI isn’t available (especially in remote areas) or when I like to be a more discreet traveler, devoid of tech. The phrases are translated in Hindi, Malay, Vietnamese, Thai and Mandarin Chinese (for travel to India, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Hong Kong, China or Macau). Thought I’d share this with my fellow globetrotters. Here is a FREE PDF DOWNLOAD you can use–hopefully this can help you along your journey.

If you find this useful, you can also check out the TRAVEL ICONS resource 🙂 Safe travels friends!


You could find more freebies at

LEGAL STUFF: This document is a Creative Commons resource and is strictly for educational, entertainment and non-profit purposes only. Compiled by Sherrie Thai of and sourced by Google Translator.

Freebies: “Traveling by Icons,” Visual Travel Guide When English and Tech are Scarce

. Posted by Sherrie Thai by

Free Download Traveling by Icons, Pictorial Guide, Assembled by Sherrie Thai of

“Traveling by Icons” is a free visual guide I created as a reference for getting around in remote foreign areas when there are language and tech issues. An image will save you a thousand words, so when in doubt, just point to the image and smile 🙂

You could VIEW the full doc, or DOWNLOAD THE LETTER-SIZE VERSION HERE (8.5×11″), print and enjoy! For a smaller size, you could DOWNLOAD THE 5×7″ VERSION HERE–just print and fold. If you’re feeling more crafty, print out the sizes at a reduced percentage, laminate and tadah–flash cards! This lil project started out as a personal resource, and thought I’d share this with my fellow travelers. It’s very simple and barebones, but I hope to add more at a later time. In the meantime, hope you find this helpful 🙂

You could find more freebies at Want more? Check out free image backgrounds on my Creative Commons folder on Flickr (Urban, Nature, Patterns, Abstract, Textiles). If you decide to use any of the backgrounds, please let me know how it goes by sending a link or an image. Enjoy!

LEGAL STUFF: This document is a Creative Commons resource and is strictly for educational, entertainment and non-profit purposes only. The document is not to be sold in any form, including print or digital format. Designed by Sherrie Thai of and Creative Commons libraries. The image copyrights are held by their respective owners.

Free Image Download: Red Chinese Bamboo Background Photo

. Posted by Sherrie Thai by

Free Red Chinese Bamboo Background Photo

To initiate the fantastic Lunar Year of the Ram, I’m offering this free photo of a Red Chinese Textile Bamboo Design to download. Red is the Chinese color of luck, so hope this image brings you a wonderful and joyous year 🙂 It’s available to use freely and without restriction for commercial and non-commercial projects. To download, simply right-click on the image above or just drag it to your desktop.

You could find more free backgrounds on my Creative Commons folder on Flickr (Urban, Nature, Patterns, Abstract, Textiles). Want more? Check out If you decide to use any of the backgrounds, please let me know how it goes by sending a link or an image. Enjoy!

Free Download: Robot Santa Christmas Papercraft

. Posted by Sherrie Thai by

free papercraft template download

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I’ve created a free papercraft model of “Robot Santa” to decorate your space or tree. Click HERE or by simply clicking on the image above. It’s a fun project that you share with the lil ones in your life. I originally created this for my nephews/nieces and thought I’d share the love 🙂

Robot Santa Papercraft Model

Here is an example of how the Robot Santa Papercraft will look when constructed. He stands a whopping 3″ tall. Add a string at the top if you’d like to transform him into an ornament. Ho ho ho–Enjoy! 🙂

© Art by Sherrie Thai of The copyrights are not transferable. Not to be sold, altered or commercially distributed.

Free Photo Downloads: Leaf Texture Freebies

. Posted by Sherrie Thai by

Old Maple Leaves on Ground

Yellow Leaves Background

It’s Thanksgiving weekend and just thought I’d share some free photo textures of leaves you could use as a background or as a photoshop layer. It’s available to use freely and without restriction for commercial and non-commercial projects. To download, simply click on the image and access the “download icon” on the lower right to access your desired size.

You could find more free backgrounds on my Creative Commons folder on Flickr (Urban, Nature, Patterns, Abstract, Textiles). Want more? Check out If you decide to use any of the backgrounds, please let me know how it goes by sending a link or an image. Enjoy!