Artwork: Skeletons Playing Piano Duet

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Skeletons Playing Piano Duet, Art by Sherrie Thai of

“Skeletons Playing Piano Duet” is an informal homage to my favorite instrument with a fun “day of the dead”-inspired scene. This piece was also inspired by Tim Burton’s “Corpse Bride”–I adore the piano scene in the movie where the characters tickled the ivory keys and started an infactuation. My illustration was created via pen/pencil with an incorporation of old photo textures and digital coloring. I always like to retain the original black & white drawing in its original state for greater flexibility 🙂

Artwork: Skull Goddess

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Skull Goddess, Art by Sherrie Thai of Shaireproductions, Art by Sherrie Thai of Shaireproductions

Skull Goddess, Art by Sherrie Thai of Shaireproductions, Art by Sherrie Thai of Shaireproductions

Happy Halloween! “Skull Goddess” is an exploration into the lighter side of the macabre. It’s inspired by my recent trip to Southeast Asia, primarily Bayon of Angkor Wat, Cambodia, and the White Temple of Thailand, which depicts modern scenarios of good vs. evil. I created this via the usual pen/ink and graphite media, with a smidget of digital coloring. The pigments are kept to a minimum to highlight the details, but to also echo the stone carvings of the ancient temples.

This piece is available as an 8.5″ x 11″ art print HERE ON ETSY

Photo Buttons / Pins: Animal Skull and Teeth Horror Images

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Animal Skull and Teeth Photos Pinback Buttons by Sherrie Thai of Shaireproductions

“Animal Skulls and Teeth” is a 3-piece pinback button set that was created and produced from my own photographs. The images were taken at the zoo and educational sites. This is a must-have for anyone interested in horror, anatomy and the life sciences. For a small price, you can indulge in the complex world of the afterlife and add these buttons to your collection or as a small gift for your friends or family. AVAILABLE HERE ON ETSY.

Artwork: Horror Moth

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Horror Moth art by Sherrie Thai of Shaireproductions

Horror Moth tshirt design on zazzle, art by Sherrie Thai of Shaireproductions

“Horror Moth” is a skeletal rendering of the metamorphic creature. It seems in Western cultures, the moth represents horror, with the qualities of fragility and death, while in Japanese folklore, such as “The Dream of Akinosuke”, it represents a departure of souls. This is available as a t-shirt and entirely customizable. Check it out HERE

I’ve always admired the ferocious horns of the Dynastinae or Rhinoceros Beetles, so I combined them with a human rib cage, eyeball and beautiful wings. It’s enjoyable exploring sinister creatures and insects. The first was “Deathly Scarab”–perhaps a whole series to come! 🙂 The piece was created with pen/ink and Photoshop coloring.

Shaireproductions Art Banner, drawing by Sherrie Thai

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Shaireproductions Art Banner

Had lots of fun creating this mini collage banner showcasing some of my art for the Sinister Creature Con. It’s happening this weekend (October 17th & 18th) at the Scottish Rite Center in Sacramento. There will be amazing effects, filmmakers, and awesome horror creature creations–all devoted to the horror genre! Check it out HERE!