Here’s another Christmas e-card with something we don’t really see in San Francisco–snow. View Larger.
I happened to be at the Academy of Sciences aquarium when they were cleaning the tank. Went to see the fish, but the people were just as interesting.
Don’t forget to brush those teeth!
This was taken at the Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.
Commodities is a social commentary through digital illustration. What makes the world go round? Money, power, and greed seems to have become the motivation, making war become a business in itself.
The artwork focuses on the shapes of weapons and bio-hazard symbols. Barcodes and dollar currency symbols line the ground, suggesting that everything has become a commodity. View Larger.
Christina (Citrus) of World Famous. Pure talent.
Patterns and shapes can be found everywhere. Here’s an abstract photo of some lawn chairs.
I tend to be drawn to the odd, unusual, and in this case, the forgotten. It saddened me to shoot this–there were several camps of homeless people, with nothing but boxes and shopping carts.
While I was shooting, a passerby warned me of “violent bums [in the area] taking people down” so I quickly heeded his warning and soon departed thereafter. I always try to be aware of my surroundings, but once in a while, you get a jolt.
This was taken around Folsom, between 1st and 2nd street in San Francisco.
I love the structures of freeways and underpasses. It’s fuctional, but beautiful.
Google and LIFE magazine teamed up for a online photo archive from the 1750s till today. To search only the LIFE images, just add “ZZZ:life” to any Google image search. Apparently, Time Inc. owns the copyright, so they’re not in the public domain, but you could purchase prints for $79.99 from Time Life and QOOP.
A few months ago, I came across a very inspiring site, Doodlage, a place devoted to doodles, sketches, and preliminary art. Leo/Rashell graciously invited me to be a guest contributor, so here’s a bit of my intro: “Sketching has always been a huge part of my art (and life)–as subconscious expression, use in final art, conceptualization, or as its own art-form. My sketches have been described by others as intense, odd, insane, neurotic, but in the end, it’s part of me and I love creating…” Check out the rest here.
Doodlage also has some items on Etsy, fun artworks on rocks and collages on paper.